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Vetforce Mite Dust from Pertinent Eco-Solutions kills mites, spiders, roaches, fleas, ants, and bedbugs on and around animals. This plant-based dust is designed for use in backyard chicken coops, cages, pens, kennels, and nesting boxes around people, pets, and other animals indoors and outdoors. Vetforce Mite Dust penetrates cracks and crevasses making it ideal for both prevention and maintenance. Directions: Sprinkle as needed on ground or in bedding areas. Application rate may vary based on location treated, but a typical rate is 1/2 oz. per square foot. For pests on animals, such as mites on birds, apply about 1/2 oz (1-2 Tablespoons) per 10 lbs. body weight. Avoid face and eyes, applying dust where pests are heaviest, ruffling into feathers or fur to help penetrate and contact pests. Repeat as necessary. Made in the USA.