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Rebound Hoof Pack is a super sticky product formulated to draw out pain, soreness, and inflammation and to help treat abscesses without having to wrap. Rebound will get the sting out after a hard gallop, pulled shoe, or a long day’s work. . It is formulated with a special blend of all-natural ingredients that will help keep the correct moisture balance within the hoof and promote new hoof growth and its tried-and-true ingredients are non-irritating to skin. Washes off with warm water. Use Rebound to help your equine athlete rebound, and prevent sore hooves from keeping you out of a competition. It’s so easy there’s no excuse not to pack your horse’s hooves again! If your horse is shod, simply cover with shavings or paper and you're done! If your horse is barefoot, then wrapping with vet wrap is recommended.