Electro Groom Motors: 2 (115 volts, 575 watts each) Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the product label or package insert.
Electric Cleaner
Horsepower: 1.5 hp (each motor)
Amps: 12
R.P.M.s: 22,500
Waterlift: 150"
Hose Length: 10 ft
Other: Can use both motors for maximum power on body, or just one motor for less power on legs and sensitive areas; includes 10 ft 1.5" hose with swivel end, serrated nozzle, vinyl spaghetti brush and blower tip; tough baked enamel finish on 18 gauge steel.