Horse Show Checklist

PAPERWORK ___ Coggins/Health Certificate ___ Horse Registration ___ Rule Books/Pattern Books ___ Emergency Phone Numbers ___ Veterinary Information ___ Membership Cards ___ Show Information HORSE ___ Drinking water ___ Buckets ___ Feed ___ Hay Bag ___ Fly Spray ___ Fly Mask ___ Equine First Aid Kit ___ Horse Blanket/Stable Sheet ___ Leg Wraps ___ Shipping Boots ___ Halters/Lead Ropes ___ Tail Wrap ___ Treats ___ Supplements ___ Twitch SHOW APPAREL ___ Jeans/Breeches ___ Chaps ___ Show Shirts/Vests/Jackets ___ Gloves ___ Boots ___ Belts /Buckles ___ Gear & Apparel Bags ___ Seats & Cushions ___ Tie/Pin/Scarf/Choker ___ Hat /Helmet/Covers ___ Polish (silver and boot) ___ Spurs ___ Shin & Knee Guards ___ Ribbons/Accessories ___ Brush/Comb ___ Hairnet/Pins ___ Spot/Lint Remover ___ Sewing Kit/Safety Pins ___ Mirror TACK ___ Bridles/Reins ___ Bits ___ Saddles ___ Saddle Pads ___ Cinches/Girths ___ Leather Punch ___ Leg Wear ___ Spare Stirrups & Leathers ___ Whip/Crop |
GROOMING ___ Tote/Organizer ___ Fly Spray ___ Brushes/Curries ___ Sweat Scraper ___ Shampoos & Conditioners ___ Hoof Pick ___ Coat Polish ___ Hoof Polish ___ Sponges ___ Spray Bottle with Water ___ Clippers/Scissors ___ Whitening Product ___ Corn Starch/Baby Powder ___ Leather Cleaner ___ Ribbons/Glitter Gel HORSE TRAILER/TRUCK ___ Check Tire Pressure ___ Spare Tires/Jacks ___ Flashlight/Spare Batteries ___ Check Lights & Connectors ___ Spare Fuses ___ Registrations ___ Break Away Halter ___ Lead Ropes ___ Head Bumpers ___ Hay Net ___ Trailer Ties ___ Water Containers ___ Feed & Wash Buckets ___ Manure Fork & Tubs ___ Wire/Bolt Cutters ___ Emergency Roadside Flares TRAVEL ___ Maps & Directions ___ Rolls of Coins (tolls/laundry) ___ Notebook ___ Sunglasses ___ Beverages & Snacks ___ Camera ___ Cell Phone Charger ___ First Aid Kit ___ Cooler ___ Blanket & Pillow ___ Change of Clothes ___ Iron/Steamer ___ Toiletries ___ Magazines /Books/Games ___ Emergency Phone Numbers ___ Spare Batteries/Chargers |
MISCELLANEOUS ___ Lunge Line & Lunge Whip ___ Stud Chain ___ Martingales ___ Breastplates ___ Stall Guard & Screw Eyes ___ Portable Stall ___ Straw & Shavings ___ Awnings & Tents ___ Umbrellas ___ Duct Tape/Electrical Tape ___ Rain Gear ___ Towels ___ Plastic (for wet ground) ___ Cell Phone Charger ___ Spare Batteries FIRST AID KIT ___ Health Insurance Information ___ Thermometer ___ Aspirin ___ Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen ___ Antiseptic cream/Ointment ___ Band aids/Gauze/Ace Wraps ___ Athletic tape ___ Triple Antibiotic Ointment ___ Things for Upset Stomach ___ Anti-itch Cream ___ Eye Drops/Saline ___ Aloe Vera for Sunburn ___ Instant Ice/Heat bag ___ Small Scissors/Tweezers EQUINE FIRST AID KIT (basic) ___ Veterinarian Number ___ Rectal Thermometer ___ Gauze ___ Instance Ice Bags ___ Blunt Tipped Scissors ___ Tweezers ___ Self-Sticking Bandages ___ Zinc Oxide Cream or Ointment ___ Iodine ___ Hydrogen Peroxide ___ Epsom Salt ___ Antiseptic Cream & Ointment |