If you have questions regarding your animals prescription medications please call our pharmacist at 800-898-8026 or email [email protected] Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Central Time. Voice mail service will be available after these hours as well. Our pharmacist will respond within 24 hours of your call.
If you have an emergency situation, (requiring immediate assistance in answering a question concerning your pet or an animal in your care) please call your local veterinarian or an emergency clinic in your area.
Specific cat health conditions can benefit from, and may even require, tailored nutritional support from prescription cat food. Recipes are formulated by nutritionists, researchers and veterinarians to include high-quality ingredients in each brand?s prescription cat food formulas. Speak with your veterinarian to learn which prescription cat food formula is recommended to support your cat?s nutritional needs, ultimately providing the best cat food formula possible for their well-being. Prescription pet food requires authorization from your veterinarian. Please provide your pet?s name and veterinary clinic information during checkout, and we?re glad to contact your veterinarian in advance of processing your order. There are many types of vet-recommended, prescription cat food to choose from, including wet and dry varieties. Specific cat food recipes are formulated to help pet lovers manage particular cat health conditions, such as: weight management prescription cat food, urinary tract health prescription cat food, digestive health prescription cat food, diabetes management prescription cat food and kidney function prescription cat food. Prescription diet cat food allows you to provide your feline friends with researched, therapeutic nutrition to help support their unique cat health and cat dietary needs. Vet recommended cat food can offer your cat the benefit of therapeutic nutritional support when he needs it the most. Your pets rely on you, and you can always rely on veterinarian-founded Valley Vet Supply for trusted solutions and fast shipping.