FREE Component Implant Gun with qualifying item(s)
Farm Coupons, Special Offers & Promotions
Purchase 1 unit(s) in any combination of the following:
1341RX - Component TE-IH w/Tylan 20 dose
1417RX - Component E-C w/Tylan 20 dose
1418RX - Component E-C w/Tylan 100 dose
1419RX - Component TE-IS w/Tylan for Steers 20 dose
1420RX - Component TE-IS w/Tylan for Steers 100 dose
1703RX - Component TE-IH w/Tylan 100 dose
1704RX - Component TE-G w/Tylan 20 dose
1705RX - Component TE-G w/Tylan 100 dose
25588 - Component E-C w/Tylan 100 dose (OTC)
25706 - Component TE-G w/Tylan 100 dose (OTC)
31731 - Component TE-IH w/Tylan 100 dose (OTC)
31733 - Component TE-IS w/Tylan for Steers 100 dose (OTC)
• Offer Expires: Dec 31, 2024
• Limited Quantity! Only 2 per customer allowed. (25577)
Limited Quantity & Limited Offer Promotions
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Most promotions will be added automatically to your cart when purchase qualifications have been met. Discounted products or promotions with several options, sizes, or colors to choose from will not be automatically added to your cart. For these promotions you will be redirected to a page allowing you to add them to your cart.
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