Controlling Mosquitoes and Dangerous Disease Risk

Enjoying time on the patio; hiking with your furry friend; riding your horse; finishing up barn chores. What do all of these have in common?
None of them are nearly as pleasant when you’re being swarmed with mosquitoes.
More than an annoyance, mosquitoes carry deadly diseases impacting people, pets, horses and livestock. Some of the risks include:
One acre of land can house 1 million mosquito eggs. Help eliminate the mosquito population by removing mosquito-breeding habitats, such as anything that can hold water, like unused troughs, tarps and wheelbarrows. If your yard or barn area has any low-lying areas that collect water after rainfall, be sure to fill these in. If you have horses and livestock, hang fans throughout your barns, as mosquitoes typically avoid moving air. Additionally, deploy proven mosquito prevention products, such as the Spartan Mosquito Pro Tech, to help defeat the enemy.
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